CREW stands for "Cleaning & Re-organizing Extraordinary Women"

Janice Ingram
The Branch Minister to Women... Leader of the CREW
Women make up over half of our adult membership. They serve in roles that facilitate the care and function of The Branch. They are eager to devote themselves to something greater than their own interests. Keeping up with their passions and vision for this church is exhilarating and humbling.

For SPRING CLEANING, I get to stand in the wings and encourage these ladies to raise the bar for us and challenge us to clean house!

Melissa Dettmer
The Clutter Queen

My desire to serve women and families began at a young age.   That passion to serve has flourished as I grow in the Lord, as a wife to Andy of 10 years, as a mother of 3 little ones (Drew 4, Abigail 2, and Anna Jaye 1), and in my ministries at The Branch. 

In my previous life (before children) I worked as a Physical Therapist specializing in Women's Health, where I served women every day.  However, with the desire to be at home with my kiddos, I started a small business from home providing graphic design and printing services to other small family businesses.  It's a way for me to express my creativity and have adult interaction, while working in the middle of the night in my spit-up covered pajamas (sometimes while even feeding a baby). Some of those nights were spent working as a year-round, behind the scenes volunteer, for the past several Women's and Marriage Events in the areas of graphic designer, marketing, encourager, and prayer warrior.

This time Janice has entrusted me with the roles of the "Visionary" and "Event Coordinator".  On Friday, April 20th,  I will share the vision the Lord gave me for the 2012 SPRING CLEANING Women's Retreat. In reality, this retreat is my "cry for help" for my cluttered home, over-scheduled calendar, and sleep-deprived jumbled mind. So, Titus 2:3-5 inspired me to invite several wise women who will teach us how to love our husbands and children and to take care of our homes, while cleansing our lives from anything that defiles us or distracts us (2 Cor. 7:1).  Join me and the SPRING CLEANING CREW.  Let's clean house: HEART, SOUL, MIND, and BODY.  I'll go first.

Laura Burnett
Worship Team Leader and Creative Consultant

For as long as I can remember I have always held a microphone of some kind in my hand. I have had the opportunity to sing for foreign officials in England, politicians while living in New Mexico, sing karaoke, sing with my High School crush (which is now my husband, Jason, of almost ten years), sing classical music, sing in a musical (or 12), and have had the sweet blessing and opportunity to sing lullabies to my baby girl while rocking her to sleep.  So many memories of being able to use a small gift from the Lord, but none of those opportunities I have had have ever been as fulfilling as when I have the ultimate opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus and to glorify Our God in song. When I sing for Him, nothing else and no-one else matters. The Lord has been SO good to me and has blessed me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Every day I seek to honor Him through my actions, my words and through my songs and though many times I fail and fall short, His love never fails. Raising three girls (17, 11, and 2), I am always reminded that "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:2.

It is my prayer that during SPRING CLEANING, the women of The Branch encounter God through the worship time where I am just a mere vessel helping them to the throne room. May the time we have together be a reminder to us all that the Lord is our Healer and our Help, our Comforter, and our Fortress in all of our times of need and that He is the only way to clean out the clutter in our souls.

Whitney Morris
CREW Coordinator and To Do List Checker-Offer

I love a good project.  Nothing specific.  Just as long as it has a start, a finish and a few to do lists in between... I'm all in!!  This is, of course, as long as it doesn't interfere with my Saturday morning run.  The only thing I love more than God, my fantastic husband of 13 years (Britt) and my 3 gorgeous children (Ford, Darby and "Good Times" Charlie) are my running shoes!  For me, running is like a good project that I get to do each day.  I get a good start, usually make a few to-do lists in my head and finish ready to take on the day!   

For the SPRING CLEANING retreat, I am organizing all of our generous, inspiring, eager, beautiful volunteers.  What a blessing it is to work along side all of you and witness your willingness to serve the Lord through our Women's Ministry.  Thanks so much to each of you for your time but also for your example.  I love The Branch for so many reasons but none greater than the ladies I've met who are teaching me each day what it means to be a servant!

Tika Brock
Decorator on a Budget

I am a wife to my high school sweetheart (collective, awwww!) Michael, a daughter of Christ, and a mommy to 4 very boyish boys.  Living with all men, I try to get my girly in wherever, whenever I can.  I have an addiction to crafting, decorating, shopping, organizing, and pretty things that I have no intention of getting help for.  I am real and honest and genuinely care.  I cherish my family and my friends.  I love to laugh and I think I'm kinda funny.  I love making lists, sales at Hobby Lobby (really- any sale), my boys laughing together, reading good books, Mod Podge, and dark chocolate (not in that order, however).

I used to be a teacher before I was a mommy and I’m convinced that my brain function has been permanently distorted since babies, causing me how to forget the correct words when I need them, remember the reason I walked into a room, and yet somehow manage to cook dinner, console a crying toddler, help with homework, and talk on the phone all at once.  And I hang on to every word of other moms who tell me that I’m not alone.  I am motivated and inspired by so many of the wise women in my life.  I’m thankful to be living this downright undeserving, yet precious life.  God is good. 

For SPRING CLEANING I am decorating – again, getting in my girl time!  =)

Chris ter Kuile (ter-KYLE)
Graphic Designer and Idea Machine

It's Dutch. Though I am a German girl who happened to marry the guy with the wacky last name. I've been married to my husband Robert for 15 years and we have two girls, Cora and Wren. We walked into The Branch ten years ago and it's been our home ever since. I worked as an art director in advertising before "retiring" to stay home and raise girls. And while my family is my full-time job now (with serious overtime), I still do graphic design work on the side... when they're not watching.  

For the SPRING CLEANING event, I have come alongside Melissa to help her with various creative and graphic design needs. From sticky notes to t-shirts to brainstorming giveaway ideas and promo videos, I am so grateful to be able to use my creative gifts to bless women at The Branch. Hopefully you.

Kimberly Schumacher 
Nutrition Connection and Hostess with the Mostess

I have been married to Jason Schumacher for 11 years.  We have three children, Jack (9), Johnny (6), and Annie (4). My number one job and life passion is taking care of my children and my husband as I am a stay at home mom. We have lived in Dallas and attended The Branch for 7 and half years.   

For SPRING CLEANING, I am serving as the Registration and Greeting Coordinator.  The other role that I am playing is working with Melissa to bring in one of our speakers to talk to us about "Cleaning up the clutter in my BODY".  I had the privilege to meet Laura Kopec, nutritionist and natural food expert, a year ago when my 9 year old son was diagnosed with many food allergies. It was difficult to find foods that he could eat and would eat while also including the nutritional benefits that his growing body needed.  Laura was a blessing in our life as she provided us with resources, ideas, menus and encouragement to pursue this new life style that would allow him to feel better.  I'm so excited for all of you to meet her.

Nancy Peterson
Kitchen Coordinator and Fondue Fountain Finder

Lauren Deveny
Personal Trainer and Fitness Guru

I am a member at The Branch and work at the Cooper Aerobic Center in Dallas. My husband,David, and I have two children, Nolan and Clara. I graduated from ACU with a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science. Along with my degree I have the following certifications: Cooper Master Training, pre/post natal, and Functional Movement Systems.

Please join me Saturday morning for a SPRING CLEANING stretch and light exercise session to start your day on the bright side! We'll move, listen to music, soak in scripture, and learn what the Lord has to say about cleaning up the clutter in the BODY He has given each of us.